[JURIST] Dutch interrogators accused of prisoner abuse in Iraq were cleared [NOS report with press conference video, in Dutch] Monday with the release of two government ordered reports [press release with report texts, in Dutch] that found no torture but did say that interrogation methods may have breached international conventions. The reports found that at least one of the prisoners was "pressured" through the use of sleep deprivation, excessive noise, and cold water. Although detainee treatment that included such pressure was found to not be illegal, it may have violated the European Convention on Human Rights [PDF text] and the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War [text].
No evidence was found to support allegations that an electric cattle prod was used on at least one prisoner, but the leader of one of the investigations said the claim could not be ruled out. Dutch Defense Minister Eimert van Middelkoop [official profile] said that the reports would be forwarded to the public prosecutor's office so that, if necessary, criminal proceedings could be initiated. AP has more.