[JURIST] Authorities in Bangladesh [JURIST news archive] plan in April to execute 6 Islamic militants convicted in the 2005 murders of two judges [JURIST report], according to reports Friday in the Independent and Jugantor newspapers. According to anonymous prison sources, Deputy Inspector General of Prisons Maj. Shamsul Haider Siddiqui said prison security has been increased in anticipation of attacks by fellow members of the convicts' Islamic organizations before the executions. The prisoners, who admitted to attacking judges because they want Islamic Sharia law [CFR backgrounder] to replace the secularized legal system of Bangladesh, include leaders Shayek Abdur Rahman of Jamaat-ul Mujahideen Bangladesh [SATP backgrounder] and Siddikul Islam Bangla Bhai of Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh [SATP backgrounder].
Bangladeshi president Iajuddin Ahmed [official profile] turned down the convicts' appeals for clemency earlier this month after the Supreme Court [official website] rejected their appeal. The Court had previously stayed the execution [JURIST report] of the militants, who were sentenced to die [JURIST report] by hanging in May 2006. Seven men were convicted for their role in the killings, but one remains at large. AP has more.