Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) Wednesday laid out an ambitious oversight agenda for the reshuffled Senate Judiciary Committee he will chair when the Democratic-controlled US Congress begins its new session in January. Speaking at Georgetown University...
A Zimbabwe government spokesman said Wednesday that there are no plans to hand Mengistu Haile Mariam over to Ethiopian authorities after the former Ethiopian dictator was convicted of genocide Tuesday by Ethiopia's Federal Court at...
A court in Yemen Wednesday prohibited the editor of Yemen's al-Hurriya newspaper and one of its reporters from writing for one month and also imposed a four-month suspended sentence on them for demeaning Islam by reprinting cartoons depicting the...
A Human Rights Watch study of the five-year trial of late Yugoslav ex-president Slobodan Milosevic released Wednesday has proposed making changes in future national and international war crimes trial procedures...
A panel of the UK Law Lords , the legal members of the House of Lords who constitute the UK's highest court, ruled unanimously Wednesday that British police infringed the rights of anti-war protestors traveling to a...
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Wednesday convicted a Roman Catholic priest for committing genocide and extermination during the mass killings of Tutsis and moderate Hutus that swept the central...
Members of the Ohio Senate voted 21-12 Tuesday to override outgoing Ohio Governor Robert Taft's veto of a revised concealed-carry gun law that Taft claimed would preempt local gun-related legislation in some...
Israel's Supreme Court Tuesday unanimously overturned a law barring Palestinians from claiming compensation from the Israeli state in respect of damages suffered in "conflict zones" in Gaza and the West Bank. The so-called Intifada law...
Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling is expected to report to a minimum security federal prison in Waseca, Minnesota to begin a 24-year sentence for fraud, conspiracy and insider trading after a...
The US Department of Justice filed an appeal Tuesday against a November 28 ruling by US District Judge James Robertson declaring that "the Treasury Department’s failure to design and issue paper currency that is readily distinguishable to...