[JURIST] Al-Arabiya [media website] satellite television is reporting that Saddam Hussein's body is being transported from Baghdad to his hometown of Ouja near Tikrit for burial, which is scheduled to occur Sunday [AP report]. The provincial governor of Salahuddin along with leaders of Hussein's Albu-Nassir clan are said to have negotiated the burial location [AP report] with US and Iraqi officials. Earlier news reports [Reuters report] had indicated that Iraq would not honor the wishes of Hussein's daughter for Hussein's remains to be transported to Yemen for burial. CNN has more.
American Hussein defense lawyer Curtis Doebbler said in a statement e-mailed to JURIST Friday that
[t]he United States government has denied the family of the former President the right to his remains if he is executed. One can only speculate that the reason for this immoral action is that the detaining power holding the Prisoner of war wants to make crystal clear its disdain for the law.