US Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff warned the national convention of the conservative Federalist Society in a speech Friday that international law was increasingly being used as a "rhetorical weapon" against the...
The Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) party of Bolivian President Evo Morales gained more power to rewrite the country's constitution over the objections of opposing political parties Friday when Bolivia's...
The UN General Assembly Third Committee on Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs has approved a draft resolution calling for an end to politically motivated condemnations of countries for human rights violations. The resolution, adopted Thursday, says...
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has opened a full criminal investigation into former Republican congressman Mark Foley in connection with his sexually explicit computer messages to young male pages disclosed earlier...
The Dutch government announced after a cabinet meeting Friday that it will introduce legislation to ban the Muslim full-length burqa veil as well as other face coverings like ski masks in...
A close associate of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told AP Friday that al-Maliki was unaware of a controversial plan by Shiite Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani to arrest Sunni leader Harith...
Ex parte Jose Ernesto Medellin, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, November 17, 2006 [ruling that US President Bush "exceeded his constitutional authority by intruding into the independent powers of the judiciary" with an "unprecedented" directive ordering state court rehearings for...
The Referral Bench of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) ruled Friday that the case of former Serbian commander Vladimir Kovacevic should be transferred to Serbia...
The US military has preliminary plans to build a new legal compound at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba , where trials of detainees may begin to take place as early as June, the Miami Herald reported...
US District Judge Reggie B. Walton ruled Friday in support of a bid by the US Department of Justice to bar terrorism suspect Majid Khan from access to a civilian lawyer unless and...