Thirty Philippine military officers will face courts-martial on mutiny charges in connection with their alleged involvement in a February coup plot to overthrow the government of Philippines President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo , a general...
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour on Monday condemned human rights violations occurring in the Palestinian authorities, saying that violations were "intolerable" and expressing concern for civilians in the area. Arbour is currently visiting the...
Nicaraguan President Enrique Bolanos has signed a law that bans all abortion and eliminates a longstanding exception for the health of the mother. Abortion has long been illegal in Nicaragua, though tempered by...
Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney on Sunday urged state legislators to vote on a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage ban and said he will petition the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court to place the question...
The Italian cabinet met Monday to relieve the head of Italy's intelligence agency of his duties, a move prompted by suspicions that he was involved in the alleged 2003 CIA kidnapping of Egyptian cleric...
Saddam Hussein's trial for crimes against humanity committed in Dujail was "fundamentally unfair" and the guilty verdict lacks legitimacy due to procedural and substantive flaws, according to a report released by advocacy group Human Rights Watch...
Informe Histórico a la Sociedad Mexicana 2006, Fiscalia Especial para Movimientos Sociales y Politicos del Pasado [concluding that former Mexican presidents Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, Luis Echeverria and Jose Lopez Portillo were responsible for "crimes against humanity" in connection with the...
US Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) said Sunday he plans to introduce legislation in the next session of Congress to reinstate the military draft in the United States. Interviewed on CBS TV program Face the Nation [program website;...
The United States and Russia signed a landmark trade agreement Sunday bringing Russia one step closer in its 13-year drive for membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) . Under the agreement, Russia...
Iran's parliament passed a bill Sunday instituting mandatory fingerprinting of all visiting US citizens. The predominantly conservative Majlis passed the bill by a margin of 135 to 26, and will next hand it to the...