The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has upheld a lower court ruling that the selection process for New York Supreme Court judges is unconstitutional. US District Court Judge John Gleeson...
The US government will not pursue the death penalty against US Marine Corps Pfc. John Jodka III in the death of an Iraqi civilian in Hamdania, according to a military prosecutor during Article 32 [JAG backgrounder; UCMJ...
The body of missing Tikrit judge Turky al-Dulaimi has been found by Iraqi police near Baghdad, according to a police source speaking on the condition of anonymity Thursday. Dulaimi disappeared four days ago after being transferred from a court...
President Bush announced on Wednesday the nominations of five people to serve as federal appeals court judges on the US Courts of Appeals for the Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Circuits. The nomination of the five...
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday once again said that Iran will not cease its uranium enrichment program, despite an August 31 deadline set by UN Security Council Resolution 1696 , stating...
The South African National Assembly , the lower house of the country's parliament, has passed the Prohibition of Mercenary Activity and Regulation of Certain Activities in Areas of Armed Conflict Bill , legislation that would prevent South...
In re: Vioxx Products Liability Litigation, Barnett v. Merck & Co., US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, August 30, 2006 [rejecting as "grossly excessive" a $50 million jury award against Merck in compensatory damages for a retired...
Scotland Yard received a final one-week extension from a High Court judge in London Wednesday, permitting British police to detain and question five British Muslim men suspected in connection with an alleged terror plot to...
UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland condemned Israel Wednesday for its "immoral" use of cluster bombs in the most recent Middle East conflict [JURIST news...
National Resources Defense Council v. Environmental Protection Agency et al., United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, August 29, 2006 [upholding a pesticide rule issued by the Environmental Protection Agency, saying that the regulation does not...