League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry, Supreme Court of the United States, June 27, 2006 [holding that only one of the new voting districts created by the 2003 Texas congressional redistricting plan that helped Republicans gain six seats in the US Congress is invalid under the Voting Rights Act]. Read the Court's opinion per Justice Kennedy, along with a concurrence in part and dissent in part from Justice Stevens, who was joined in part by Justice Breyer; a concurrence in part and dissent in part from Justice Souter, who was joined by Justice Ginsburg; a concurrence in part and dissent in part from Justice Breyer; a concurrence in part and dissent in part from Chief Justice Roberts, who was joined by Justice Alito; and a final concurrence in part and dissent in part from Justice Scalia, who was joined in full by Justice Thomas and in part by Roberts and Alito. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.