A Bangladesh court in Dhaka Monday sentenced seven Islamic militants, including leaders Shayek Abdur Rahman of Jamaat-ul Mujahideen and Siddikul Islam Bangla Bhai of Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh , to death for the murder of two...
The defense team for Saddam Hussein on Monday called several witnesses to testify on behalf of Awad al-Bandar , head of the court responsible for sentencing 148 Shiites to death after a 1982...
EU foreign ministers wrapping up a two day meeting in Austria Sunday agreed to extend the "period of reflection" on the stalled European constitution for another year through the end of the German presidency...
US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller held a private meeting with representatives from major internet service providers late last week urging them to retain customer internet activities to combat child pornography....
The British prisoners rights group Reprieve has claimed that over 60 of the foreign detainees imprisoned by the US at Guantanamo Bay were juveniles under 18 years of age when captured, and that some...
Over 1000 UK service personnel have deserted since the beginning of the war in Iraq, the BBC reported Sunday. A total of 134 deserted in 2003, 229 in 2004, 377 in 2005, and 189 so far in 2006, up...
Iran has delivered a "bill of indictment" against former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein to the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, which will submit it to Iraq's High Criminal Court, according to a joint statement issued Saturday by the governments of...
US Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), a former US Marine now senior Democrat on the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee, said Sunday on ABC's This Week that Marine killings of up to 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha ...
The US Department of Justice late Friday filed for dismissal of two lawsuits brought over the National Security Agency's domestic wiretapping program , saying that defending them would...
European foreign ministers meeting in Austria Saturday held out little hope of substantial progress on ratifying the European Constitution next year during Germany's six-month presidency of the European Council, notwithstanding German pledges to...