Ghassan Abdullah al Sharbi v. George Bush et al., United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Judge Emmett Sullivan, May 12, 2006 [staying the Guantanamo military commission trial of a charged Saudi Arabian pending a ruling by the...
A federal judge Friday stayed the military commission trial of a Saudi Arabian man who has been held at the US prison camp in Guantanamo Bay since 2002 for allegedly plotting with members of al Qaeda...
A new report by the Irish Human Rights Commission released Friday has found that Ireland may be in breach of international human rights laws because the country does not currently recognize same-sex marriages [JURIST news...
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said Friday that the Virginia home and office of former CIA executive director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo were searched as part of an investigation into Foggo's possible involvement in a...
Telecommunications company Qwest on Friday explained its decision to deny the National Security Agency (NSA) access to its customers' telephone records in contrast to competitors AT&T, Verizon, and BellSouth which allowed that. According to a...
Members of a European Union delegation currently in the US to investigate reports of secret CIA prisons in Europe for the European Parliament have complained about non-cooperation by US State Department...
A UK bill that would let British doctors present the option of assisted suicide to patients with less than six months to live who are experiencing "extreme suffering" stalled Friday in the British House of Lords...
US government lawyers urged a federal judge Friday to dismiss a civil lawsuit filed by Khalid el-Masri against former CIA director George Tenet and other CIA officials. El-Masri is a German national who alleges...
Finland's parliament on Friday voted to approve the stalled European Constitution , taking an initial step toward ratifying the constitution. Ratification will occur following the approval of the cabinet and a second formal vote in...
A lawyer for former South African Deputy President Jacob Zuma , who earlier this week was acquitted in a rape case , called for Zuma's upcoming corruption trial to move quickly through the court system in order...