Thousands of Turks marched in Ankara on Thursday to denounce the shooting of five judges Wednesday in the Council of State , Turkey's highest administrative court. The judges were shot by an attacker, reported to be...
US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld confirmed Wednesday that military officials are conflicted about the specific guidelines on interrogation techniques to be included in a new Army Field Manual on Intelligence Interrogation during...
Human Rights Watch lauded Mexican President Vicente Fox Wednesday for advances made in increasing the transparency of the Mexican government, but warned in a new report on human rights in the country...
Syrian authorities have arrested leading human rights lawyer Anwar al-Bunni just days after Sunday's arrest of prominent writer Michel Kilo , prompting speculation that a large government crackdown on dissidents is underway....
The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Wednesday lifted its stay of execution for Derrick S. O'Brien , citing insufficient factual or scientific evidence proving that lethal injection causes suffering and...
O'Kelley v. Perdue, Superior Court of Georgia, Judge Constance Russell, May 16, 2006 [overturning the state's same-sex marriage ban as unconstitutional because the state's constitutional amendment violates the single-subject rule, which prohibits voters from deciding more than one issue at...
Watts v. Bedford Primary Care Trust, May 16, 2006 Read the full text of the ruling....
Lawyers for telecommunications giant AT&T made what turned out to be an unsuccessful bid in federal court in San Francisco Wednesday for the return of documents collected by a former AT&T technician that supposedly detail co-operation between the company...
The US Senate Wednesday approved key amendments to an immigration reform bill that would create an additional 370 miles of fencing along the US-Mexico border and would deny the possibility of acquiring citizenship to illegal immigrants convicted of certain...
Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue said Wednesday that the state will appeal a judge's ruling that a voter-approved amendment banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. Georgia Attorney General Thurbert E. Baker [official...