US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has said the government does not need court approval to obtain domestic telephone records because they are not protected by the US Constitution's Fourth Amendment according to the Supreme Court's 1979...
The Dutch parliament official website] has approved a new anti-terror bill that dramatically lowers the amount of evidence needed for Dutch police to arrest terror suspects and allows officials to hold suspects for up to two weeks without charge....
US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Michael Copps has said the FCC is authorized under Title 1 of the Communications Act of 1934 to create agency rules to combat breaches of "net neutrality." Speaking...
The trial of David Safavian , former chief of staff at the General Services Administration (GSA) and former White House chief procurement officer, begins Wednesday. Safavian is charged with making false statements to Senate and GSA...
Authorities in five countries have arrested 565 people as part of Operation Global Con , the US Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission announced Tuesday. Officials said the suspects received more than $1...
Tariq Aziz , the former Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister under Saddam Hussein's regime, testified on behalf of Hussein Wednesday at the Iraqi High Criminal Court , where Hussein and seven co-defendants are on trial ...
In a newly released five minute audio tape found on an Islamist website Tuesday, a man claiming to be Osama bin Laden said that convicted September 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui [JURIST news...
Former French president and author of the beleaguered European Constitution , Valery Giscard d'Estaing is calling for the EU constitution rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005 to...
Report 2006, Amnesty International, May 23, 2006 . Excerpt: The..."war on terror" is failing and will continue...
Studs Terkel et al. v. AT&T Inc. . Read the complaint . Reported...