Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker , whose country held the EU presidency when France and the Netherlands voted against the European constitution, said Thursday that Germany's push to ratify the European Constitution [official website, text; JURIST...
The US Department of Justice argued Wednesday in a court filing that the US courts have traditionally been "ill-equipped" to judge harm to national security and that the executive branch should therefore decide whether information surrounding the...
A Tokyo District Court judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by South Korean families seeking damages for affronting the dignity of South Korean soldiers by recording their names in the Yasukuni Shrine , which commemorates the...
A judge from the Iraqi town that is the focus of the ongoing Saddam Hussein trial was abducted by gunmen Wednesday. Dujail Judge Walid Ahmed was kidnapped from his car on the highway between Tikrit and...
US Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald suggested Wednesday that Vice President Dick Cheney may be a witness in the government's case against former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby , who is being...
A high-ranking US Army officer testified Wednesday in the court-martial of Sgt. Santos Cardona, the second of two soldiers accused of using unmuzzled dogs to terrify detainees during interrogations at the Abu Ghraib [JURIST news...
A federal jury Wednesday convicted Shahawar Matin Siraj of conspiracy and other charges Wednesday for his role in a failed plot to bomb a New York City subway station in 2004. Siraj, a Pakistani immigrant...
John Doe I et al. v. Alberto Gonzales et al., United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, May 24, 2006 [remanding a case involving a permanent government ban on speech when an individual receives a National Security Letter...
Human Rights in Iraq, 1 March-30 April 2006, United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq, May 23, 2006 . Read the full text...
US Marines involved in the deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians in Hadithah last November will face charges and possible courts-martial, according to US Marine Corps Gen. Michael W. Hagee , who said on Wednesday that a criminal investigation...