[JURIST] The Israeli Supreme Court [official website] on Tuesday ruled that construction on a section of the West Bank separation barrier [official IDF website] is legal and may continue. Rejecting a petition by Palestinian settlers who will be unable to access Jerusalem once construction is complete, the court said the Israeli government properly balanced the effect of the barrier on Palestinians against the safety needs of Israelis in the area. The court previously found that Israel is legally entitled to erect the barrier [JURIST report] despite an International Court of Justice advisory opinion [text; JURIST report] that ruled parts of the barrier illegal. The barrier has been denounced by Palestinians as a land grab and an "apartheid wall" breaking up communities and families, but Israeli officials insist it is necessary to prevent terrorist attacks.
Earlier this week, the Israeli Supreme Court upheld the legality [JURIST report] of the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law [text], which limits Palestinians' rights to live in Israel, although critics claim the law is racist. AFP has more.