[JURIST] The jury in the case of Zacarias Moussaoui [JURIST news archive] began deliberations Monday on whether to spare his life or to execute him for conspiring in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 [JURIST news archive]. At the close of arguments at his sentencing trial in a courtroom in Alexandria, Virginia, government prosecutors told jurors they could "put an end to his hatred and venom" by electing to have Moussaoui executed. The defense maintained that Moussaoui is mentally ill [JURIST report] and that executing him would only allow Moussaoui to serve his ultimate purpose – to join the Sept. 11 hijackers in a glorified afterlife as Islamic martyrs.
Moussaoui pleaded guilty [JURIST report] to six conspiracy charges [indictment] last year. The jury has already determined that Moussaoui is eligible for the death penalty [JURIST report] and now must decide whether he deserves it. Review the special verdict form [PDF] that the jury foreman will fill out. AP has more.