2005 Internet crime report [IC3] News
2005 Internet crime report [IC3]

2005 Internet Crime Report, Internet Crime Complaint Center, April, 2006 [reporting a record $183 million lost to Internet fraud in 2005, a 169 percent increase from the previous year]. Excerpt:

The IC3 report has outlined many of the current trends and patterns in Internet crime. The data indicates that fraud reports are increasing, with 231,493 complaints, in 2005, up from 207,449 complaints in 2004 and 124,515 in 2003. This total includes many different fraud types and non-fraudulent complaints. Yet, research indicates that only one in seven incidents of fraud ever make their way to the attention of enforcement or regulatory agencies1. The total dollar loss from all referred cases of fraud was $183.12 million down from $68.14 million in 2004.

Read the full text of the report [PDF]. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.