Google search data subpoena response [US DC] News
Google search data subpoena response [US DC]

Gonzalez v. Google, United States District Court for the Northern District of California, San Jose Division, February 17, 2006 [arguing that a US DOJ subpoena for production of Google search data violated the privacy of Google customers and its own trade secrets]. Excerpt:

Google users trust that when they enter a search query into a Google search box, not only will they receive back the most relevant results, but that Google will keep private whatever information users communicate absent a compelling reason. The Government's demand for disclosure of untold millions of search queries submitted by Google users and for production of a million Web page addresses or "URLs" randomly selected from Google's proprietary index would undermine that trust, unnecessarily burden Google, and do nothing to further the Government's case in the underlying action.

Read the full text of the response [PDF]. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.