[JURIST] Former Bosnian Serb general and indicted war criminal Radko Mladic [ICTY case backgrounder; JURIST news archive], who is wanted by the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) [official website] on genocide charges, had access to his army general's pension until mid-November 2005, according to Serbian ministers speaking to the press Tuesday. Mladic's wife and son, as well as two other Serbian generals, had been authorized to draw Mladic's army pension in 2002 when he went into hiding from the ICTY and other authorities. The oversight was brought to light during an official investigation into the army pension system. The discovery will hinder Serbia in its bid to gain European Union membership, as the president of the ICTY demanded [JURIST report] that Serbia find and turn over Mladic by the start of 2006 or risk "excommunicat[ion] from Euro-Atlantic integration." AP has more.