[JURIST] On Thursday, the District Court judge hearing the emergency lawsuit brought by families of a group of Cubans [JURIST report] who were deported for failing to reach US land criticized the government's reasoning supporting the deportation order. The Cubans had reached an abandoned bridge piling in the Florida Keys region, and because the bridge was no longer connected to land, according to the government, the Cubans had not satisfied the so-called "wet-foot, dry foot" deportation policy allowing Cubans to remain in the US if they reach US land. While refraining from an immediate ruling on the issue, the judge mentioned that "the average person would say that's a ridiculous distinction" whether the bridge was actually connected to land or not. The plaintiffs are challenging the policy as contrary to US an international law and are seeking the return of those turned away and a clarification of what constitutes US territory under the deportation policy. AP has more. The Miami Herald has local coverage.