[JURIST] Activists opposed to the controversial June 2005 US Supreme Court eminent domain [JURIST news archive] ruling in Kelo v. New London [opinion] which allowed the city of New London, Connecticut to expropriate private property for private redevelopment conferring economic benefits on the community, are protesting this weekend [advocacy alert] near the Weare, New Hampshire home of Supreme Court Justice David Souter [profile]. The activists, led by former California gubernatorial candidate Logan Darrow Clements [campaign website] and a local group called the Committee for the Preservation of Natural Rights [official website], want Souter evicted and his home seized to build the so-called Lost Liberty Inn [backgrounder]. The group has collected enough signatures for a ballot initiative [petition, PDF] on the issue that will be before Weare voters in March. A Supreme Court spokeswoman said Justice Souter had no comment on the issue. AP has more.