[JURIST] A jury of US Army officers late Saturday night found Chief Warrant Officer Lewis Welshofer, Jr. guilty of negligent homicide and negligent dereliction of duty in the death of Iraqi Major General Abed Hamed Mowhoush by suffocation in a sleeping bag during an interrogation in 2003, two days after he was allegedly beaten by CIA officers. After a four-day court-martial proceeding [JURIST news archive] and six hours of deliberation, the military jury at Fort Carson [official website] Colorado acquitted Welshofer of assault and declined to convict him of murder. Welshofer, one of four soldiers initially charged [JURIST report] in connection with the death, will be sentenced at a hearing Monday and could be dishonorably discharged and sentenced to a maximum of three years and three months in prison. Welshofer's attorney said he would decide after sentencing whether or not to appeal the conviction. AP has more. The Denver Post has local coverage.