The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has agreed to hear arguments regarding the request of US Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) to speed up his money-laundering trial by either beginning the case immediately...
Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul said in a TV interview Wednesday that state slander laws used to prosecute Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk and implicated as recently as Tuesday in a possible prosecutorial probe of comments...
Lawyers for so-called "dirty bomber" Jose Padilla have responded to the government's contention that Padilla's US Supreme Court appeal is moot and should be denied, insisting that his...
After a fifteen year-old girl was killed and six bystanders were injured Monday in a random shooting spree on a busy downtown shopping street, Toronto Mayor David Miller said Tuesday that weak US gun laws are partly...
Monitoring group Human Rights Watch Wednesday asked the G8 , the heads of government of the major industrial democracies, to convince Russian President Vladimir Putin not to sign a controversial bill that would create an oversight...
Defense lawyers working on several high-profile terrorism cases plan to bring legal challenges to discover whether the National Security Agency (NSA) used illegal wiretaps against several dozen Muslims linked to Al Qaeda and whether...
The Greek Ministry of Justice has begun investigating the alleged torture in Greece of 28 Pakistanis suspected of involvement in the July 7 London bombings following a lawsuit filed by the men against Greek...
Alexander Torshin, the head of the Russian parliamentary commission investigating last year's Beslan school siege told the upper house of parliament Wednesday that despite their exoneration by prosecutors earlier this week,...
Former Enron Chief Accounting Officer Richard Causey has reached a deal with prosecutors and is expected to plead guilty Wednesday to one or more criminal charges and a reduced prison sentence in exchange for his...
CIA inspector general John Helgerson has launched an investigation into fewer than ten cases of possibly erroneous rendition , according to an intelligence official quoted by AP. In several cases it is believed that either...