[JURIST] Iraqi National Security Adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie [Newsweek profile] has said that he wants to see the re-arrest of Saddam Hussein's former top weapons aides after the US military confirmed the release from custody [JURIST report] of 14 more high-ranking detainees, including Dr. Rihab Taha al-Azawi [BBC profile], also known in the Western media as, "Dr. Germ" and Huda Ammash [CNN report], the so-called "Mrs. Anthrax." US troops are said to be still protecting the 14 [JURIST report] until they have somewhere safe to go either in Iraq or overseas. Al-Rubaie said that warrants for their arrest are still valid, despite the fact that the Iraqi Government have been informed that the US accepted that it had no legal basis on which to hold the detainees. Reuters has more.