The US Department of Defense announced Saturday the release of one Egyptian detainee from the prison at Guantanamo Bay after a military Combatant Status Review Tribunal determined he was no longer...
The US military Saturday released a second group of 500 Iraqi detainees from Abu Ghraib prison following an earlier release of more than 500 detainees Monday , and a release of another 1.000 ...
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour announced Friday that she intends to send an official observer to the Uzbekistan trial of protestors accused of plotting a rebellion during the spring Andijan uprising [HRW...
The White House Friday threatened to veto a $440.2 billion defense spending bill if the Senate amended it to establish a national commission on detainee operations or include provisions regulating the detention, treatment, or trial of terrorists. In an...
The General Counsel of the US Government Accountability Office issued a scathing opinion letter Friday criticizing the Bush administration's use of news media and commentators to promote education policies like the No Child Left Behind...
The Nebraska Supreme Court ruled Friday that members of the Nebraska Legislature overstepped their authority when they changed the minimum sentence for first-degree murder from life in prison to life in prison without parole in...
US Army General George Casey , the senior US commander in Iraq, expressed concern over the Iraqi constitution at a news conference Friday, saying the draft had created divisiveness among the...