The criminal court system in New Orleans still faces an uphill battle as judges and attorneys try to piece together what is left of the 3,000 trials pending before Hurricane Katrina swept through the...
The UN-Afghan Joint Electoral Management Body (JEMB) said Sunday that the results from the country's September legislative election are being delayed because of investigations into fraud complaints . The final counts were originally supposed...
Federal appellate judges Samuel Alito and Michael Luttig are reportedly at the top of President Bush's list of possible US Supreme Court nominees to replace the withdrawn Harriet Miers as the President reconsiders...
Supplemental Report on Bayoil Diversions of Iraqi Oil and Related Oversight Failures, US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Relations Committee Subcommittee on Investigations, October 31, 2005 [released October 28; Democrat minority staff report on the UN Oil-for-Food scandal claiming that...
American Civil Liberties Union v. Alaska, October 28, 2005 . Excerpt:The governmental interests of cost control, administrative efficiency, and promotion of marriage are legitimate, but the absolute...
At least five people were shot by police Saturday as violence again erupted in Kenya's Western Province over the country's highly controversial draft constitution . Security forces fired upon a crowd in the city of Kisumu while dispersing...
Syrian President Bashar Assad on Saturday formed a special judicial committee to conduct a state investigation into Syrian involvement in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri . The committee will be led...
Australian state and territorial leaders were given a new draft of a proposed federal anti-terrorism bill Friday and are meeting this weekend to discuss it. The previous draft drew heavy criticism from ACT Chief Minister Jon...
The New Orleans Police Department fired 45 police officers and 6 other employees Friday after investigators concluded they had improperly abandoned their duties during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina without giving 14 days notice as required...
Former HealthSouth CEO Richard Scrushy pleaded not guilty Friday to corruption charges after a federal grand jury indicted him Wednesday. Scrushy claims that though he has no evidence to provide the court, federal prosecutors are...