Iraq constitutional referendum final results  [IECI] News
Iraq constitutional referendum final results [IECI]

Final results of the referendum on the draft Iraqi constitution, Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq press briefing, October 25, 2005. Excerpt [from IECI briefer]:

I would like to inform you that I have the honor, with my colleague, to announce the final, complete results of the first constitutional referendum to be held in Iraq for a long time.

This constitutional referendum is aimed at establishing a state of law and order away from personal interests. And in this way, we are going to prevent any movements to have any unilateral power. Whether it is yes or no, it is a civilizational step and it will put Iraq along the path of democracy to establish a democratic country according to the international standards. It is an accomplishment for all the Iraqis because when the Iraqis practice their democratic rights, this means that they are using their mind and reason instead of violence and weapons.

Read the full text of the transcript via MNF-Iraq. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.