[JURIST] In Thursday's environmental law news, the China State Council [official information website] has issued a set of regulations regarding the safety, handling and reporting procedures for radioactive isotope and radiation devices. The procedures [China EPA nuclear regulations] govern both local and national responses for any "radiation-related accidents", and include immediate reporting requirements and punishment procedures. The regulations will become effective December 1, 2005. Xinhua has more.
In other environmental law news…
- The US Environmental Protection Agency [official website] has settled an action with General Electric Co. (GE) [corporate website] to dredge and clean up the Hudson River. GE dumped an estimated 1.3 million pounds of PCBs [EPA backgrounder], a probable carcinogen, into the river before the federal government banned the substance in 1977. Under the agreement, GE will pay the government up to $78 million for past and future costs. GE has already spent some $37 million on the project. AP has more.
- The US Fish and Wildlife Service [official website] seeks comments on a proposed rule [text] that would designate critical habitat for Brodiaea filifolia [Calflora factpage], in accordance with the Endangered Species Act [text]. The proposed habitat [CA factpage] includes 4,690 acres in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, and San Diego counties, California. Comments will be accepted until October 20, 2005.