[JURIST] Twenty-four Danish citizens have brought suit against Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen [official profile], claiming his decision to go to war in Iraq violated Denmark's constitution. The plaintiffs allege that Rassmussen's decision to join the US-led coalition which invaded Iraq in 2003, was constitutionally improper on two grounds. First, the plaintiffs allege that under Article 19 of the Denmark's constitution [PDF text], Rassmussen could only bring the country into war with a UN Security Council [official website] resolution. Secondly, the plaintiffs also claim that Rassmussen's decision to go to war amounted to an unconstitutional delegation of sovereignty over Danish troops to a foreign power, in violation of Article 20 of the constitution. Currently, Denmark [CIA factbook] has a contingent of about 500 troops in Iraq. BBC News has more. From Denmark, Politiken has local coverage.