Faced with a daunting task of recovery after Hurricane Katrina , groups from the Gulf region have sought money from Congress, but they have also sought relief from myriad federal laws that could potentially hinder efforts to...
AP is reporting that US Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is relieving FEMA Director Michael Brown of his role in managing the federal government's Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Brown will reportedly be replaced by...
ICTY Chief Prosecutor Carla del Ponte has said that the handover of a top fugitive may not be necessary for a positive recommendation needed by Croatia to begin its bid for EU membership. The International Criminal Tribunal...
Emergency legislation allowing federal courts in New Orleans to relocate operations in the wake of Hurricane Katrina was signed by President Bush Thursday. Faced with a halt in judicial work at courthouses in the...
Hundreds of human rights supporters protested Thursday in European and North American cities over a proposal in the Canadian province of Ontario to set up special courts applying Islamic law on family issues. An Ontario government report ...
Eight Russians previously held at Guantanamo Bay are planning to sue the US for illegally detaining them, a Russian radio station reported Thursday. Among the eight, Airat Vakhitov has been the most vocal, working with rights...
A military jury acquitted US Army Sgt. Darin Broady Thursday of charges of alleged abuse, making Broady the second reservist cleared in the death of an Afghan detainee in 2002 at Bagram Air Base. Broady...
Leading Friday's states brief, former Miami Herald columnist Jim DeFede will not be prosecuted for secretly taping phone conversations with Miami city commissioner Arthur T. Teele Jr. just before Teele killed himself. Assistant State Attorney...
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger promised to veto a bill approved by the state senate on Thursday that would create a driver's license for illegal immigrants in the state. California originally stopped issuing such...
Jose Padila v. C.T. Hanft, United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, September 9, 2005 [reversing a lower court, denying Padilla's habeas appeal and holding that the "dirty bomb" suspect, who is also a US citizen, can be...