US soldiers serving in Iraq relied on techniques they remembered from movies to interrogate prisoners, according to documents released Thursday by the American Civil Liberties Union as part of its ongoing Freedom of Information Act requests [ACLU...
Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood announced Thursday that his office had filed a civil suit against five national insurance companies - Mutual Insurance Co., State Farm Fire and Casualty Co., Allstate Property and Casualty Co.,...
Terrorism Bill, UK Home Office, September 13, 2005 . Review the...
US Congressman Curt Weldon (R-PA) said Thursday that an unnamed Pentagon employee was ordered to destroy documents that identified Mohammed Atta as a terrorist two years before the 9/11 attacks , and was...
The US Department of Justice and the special counsel investigating the leak of the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame advised Congress earlier this week to block legislation that would force the adminstration to...
The US Department of Justice said Thursday it had dropped its voting rights lawsuit against Boston after city officials agreed to provide voting materials such as ballots and registration notices in Spanish, Chinese...
A UN spokesperson in Iraq confirmed Thursday that the UN plans to distribute five million copies of Iraq's draft constitution to Iraqis before a national referendum on the charter on October 15, but indicated that printing...
Nilo Jerez, a former political prisoner in Cuba , sued Fidel Castro and his government Thursday claiming he had been rendered sterile after having been repeatedly tortured with drugs and electric shocks in the early...
Leading Thursday's environmental law news, a federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by 8 states against four private energy companies and the federal Tennessee Valley Authority which claimed they contributed to global warming. US District Judge...
New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and State Insurance Superintendent Howard Mills Thursday said that eight former senior executives of Marsh & McLennan had been indicted for bids given "under false pretenses."...