[JURIST] The Michigan Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence [advocacy website] and other gun control advocates are gearing up to block a Michigan bill [PDF text] that would allow people to use deadly force for self-defense. Earlier this year, the groups were unable to block similar legislation in Florida [JURIST report; bill text]. The National Rifle Association [advocacy website] is working for the deadly-force legislation to become nationwide while the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence [advocacy website] and the Million Mom March [advocacy website] are publicly critical of the legislation and are trying to prevent the bills from leaving Michigan's House Judiciary Committee. Peter Hamm, director of communications for the Brady Campaign, said the group has been on the lookout for new legislation after the failure to block the Florida bill. The proposed Michigan bill, which mirrors Florida's measure, would enable people who feel threatened, even in public spaces, to meet force with force without liability or criminal culpability. The Brady Campaign worries that the bill will lead to increased use of concealed weapons by Michigan residents. Half of each chamber of the state legislature has recently been endorsed by the Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners [advocacy website], making it likely that the bill will be passed should it emerge from committee. However, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm [official website] would still need to approve the legislation before it is enacted. AP has more.