[JURIST] US District Judge Jed. S. Rakoff Monday denied government claims that he was interfering with the president's constitutional authority to wage war when he ordered that Guantanamo Bay [JURIST news archive] detainees [AP detainee list] be asked if they want their names to be publicized. The government objected to this procedure last month when Judge Rakoff first ordered the Defense Department to ask permission from the detainees before making their names public. In April, the Associated Press filed suit [AP report] asking for transcripts of 558 tribunals to give detainees the opportunity to challenge their incarceration at Gitmo. The government released the required documents [JURIST report] but redacted information on the identity of each detainee, and the government had argued that the identities of the Gitmo detainees should be kept secret for privacy reasons. Later the government then argued that questioning the detainees encroached on the relationship between the military and enemy combatants. Rakoff rejected this argument outright Monday, giving the government until October 14 to question the detainees and until October 28 to summarize the responses to the court. AP has more.