[JURIST] In Tuesday's environmental law news, the US Senate, in a 51-47 vote, has defeated a motion that would have overturned mercury emission rules [JURIST report] that the Environmental Protection Agency [official website] finalized in March. AP has more.
In other environmental law news…
- The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) [official website] is seeking comments on a proposed rule [text] that would designate a critical habitat for the endangered southern California distinct population segment of the mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) [USGS factpage]. The proposed area includes 8,770 acres of land in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties, CA. Designation of critical habitat is done pursuant to the Endangered Species Act [text]. Comments can be made here until November 14, 2005.
- The Bureau of Reclamation [official website] seeks comments on a proposed rule [text] that would establish regulations regarding public access to and conduct on all Bureau projects, waters, and real property. The Bureau is responsible for over 8 million acres of public lands which draw some 90 million recreational user visits annually. Comments can be made here until November 14, 2005.