BREAKING NEWS ~ Schwarzenegger to veto California same-sex marriage bill News
BREAKING NEWS ~ Schwarzenegger to veto California same-sex marriage bill

[JURIST] AP is reporting that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will veto a bill seeking to legalize same-sex marriage in California [JURIST report], according to a spokeswoman. The announcement follows a statement from the Governor's office late Tuesday on initial passage of AB 849 through the state Assembly in which a spokeswoman said "The people spoke when they passed Proposition 22 [declaring marriage in California to be limited to a bond between a man and a woman]. The issue subsequently went to the courts. The Governor believes the courts are the correct venue for this decision to be made. He will uphold whatever decision the court renders."

9:52 PM ET – Schwarzenegger press secretary Margita Thompson said:

Five years ago the matter of same-sex marriage was placed before the people of California. The people voted and the issue is now before the courts. The Governor believes the matter should be determined not by legislative action – which would be unconstitutional – but by court decision or another vote of the people of our state. We cannot have a system where the people vote and the Legislature derails that vote. Out of respect for the will of the people, the Governor will veto AB 849.
Read the full text of Thompson's statement on hehalf of Schwarzenegger. has more.