[JURIST] The US Supreme Court refused to rehear the Kelo v. New London [text] eminent domain case Monday, without comment. In June the justices held by a 5-4 margin that the local authority in New London, Connecticut could expropriate private land, homes and businesses for private redevelopment [JURIST report] confering economic benefits on the community such as more jobs and tax revenue as well as for the more traditional purposes of roads, schools, or renewal of urban blight. The decision immediately ignited a firestorm of public protest [JURIST report] for its apparent disregard for private property rights, and prompted legislatures in more than 25 states to consider measures that could limit the ability of city and county governments [JURIST report] to invoke eminent domain to take property for retail, office or residential development. Kelo was just one of 44 high court cases denied rehearings Onday, which are rare in US Supreme Court practice. Review the Court's full order list [PDF]. AP has more.