[JURIST] Updating an earlier report today on proposals for UN Security Council expansion, China's ambassador to the UN said Thursday that he and new US UN ambassador John Bolton [official profile] had agreed that their countries would both work to block current plans to add new permanent members to the Council. The US has said it favors expanding permanent Council membership by "two or so members", but opposes the so-called G-4 plan for expansion [JURIST news archive] offered by Brazil, Germany, India and Japan that would add six permanent seats. It has also rejected an African Union initiative that would similarly the creation of six new permanent seats, two of them from Africa. On Tuesday US deputy UN ambassador Anne Patterson called for all Council expansion plans to be deferred [JURIST report], saying there are "more urgently needed reforms" to the UN system. China opposes the G4 initiative in part because it does not want to see Japan on the Council and prefers more representation from developing countries. BBC News has more.