Statement on Broadening Powers to Tackle Extremism, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, August 5, 2005 [announcing a range of new provisions and initiatives and saying that anyone who "has anything to do with [terrorism], anywhere, will automatically be refused asylum in our country"]. Excerpt:
Over the past two weeks there have been intensive meetings and discussions across government to set a comprehensive framework for action in dealing with the terrorist threat in Britain, and today I want to give our preliminary assessment of the measures we need urgently to examine. In the meantime, in so far as administrative measures not requiring legislation can be taken, we will act with immediate effect.
In looking both at the law and administrative measures we have surveyed extensively practice in other countries, including in particular other European countries, and to assist this process there will be a series of consultation papers over the coming weeks starting with a research paper that will detail experience in other countries. There will also be a cross government unit staffed by senior hand-picked officials to drive this forward under the guidance of Bill Jeffrey the Intelligence and Security Co-ordinator, and the Cabinet Committee on Counter Terrorism, which I chair. The Home Secretary, with whom I've been talking closely in the past week will have the Cabinet responsibility for co-ordinating this.
Here are the measures either being taken now, immediately, or under urgent examination.First, the Home Secretary today publishes new grounds for deportation and exclusion. Deportation is a decision taken by the Home Secretary under statute. The new grounds will include fostering hatred, advocating violence to further a person's beliefs, or justifying or validating such violence. These grounds will be subject to a short consultation period which will finish this month. Even under existing grounds, however, we are today signalling a new approach to deportation orders. Let no-one be in any doubt, the rules of the game are changing. These issues will of course be tested in the courts…
Read the full text of the statement here. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.