Federal Tort Trials and Verdicts, 2002-03, United States Department of Justice, August 17, 2005 [reporting that there has been an almost 80% decrease in the number of federal tort trials from 1985 to 2003]. Excerpt:
From 1985 to 2003 the number of tort trials terminated in U.S. district courts declined 79%. Juries decided about 71% of tort trials in 2002-03, while judges adjudicated the remainder. Plaintiffs won in almost half of tort trials, and the estimated median award garnered by plaintiff winners in these trials was $201,000. Personal injury claims comprised almost 90% of tort trials in U.S. district courts and property damage cases accounted for the remaining 10%. Almost two-thirds of tort trials were disposed of within 2 years of the filing date.
Read the full text of the report here [PDF]. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.