[JURIST] JURIST is looking for talented, public-service oriented law students from law schools in the US and abroad to join our team of real-time legal news editors this fall.
From Los Angeles to London, from Chicago to Cairo – if you're a law student looking for intensive research, writing and editing experience and your own byline on a high-profile, mass-audience, volunteer-driven project dedicated to increasing awareness of important national and international legal issues, we may have a position for you!
In particular, we're looking for good writers, skilled Net surfers and fluent English-speakers with a nose for news who can spare at least 10 hours a week – weekdays, evenings and/or weekends – during the law school term to work online with members of our Pittsburgh-based law student staff who power JURIST's Paper Chase legal news weblog every day. Journalistic experience is helpful, but certainly not a prerequisite. Report on the latest legal news in your geographical area, or in your own area of interest. Learn the latest law that matters, make friends across the country and around the world, and gain valuable career and computer skills, all at the same time.
Interested? To apply for an online audition as a JURIST legal news editor, e-mail JURIST@law.pitt.edu
The limited number of JURIST editorial positions will fill up fast with the start of the fall law school term. Applications are already coming in from law students across the country, so contact us now!