Medical treatment of detainees briefing [US DOD] News
Medical treatment of detainees briefing [US DOD]

Briefing on the medical treatment of US detainees, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Steve Jones and Army Surgeon General and Commander US Army Medical Command, Lt. Gen. Kevin C. Kiley, July 7, 2005. Excerpt:

The assessment findings include the following: the majority of medical personnel interviewed did not observe any abuse, and with few exceptions, those medical personnel who did observe suspected abuse reported it. The assessment team referred unreported, suspected cases of abuse to CID or to the chain of command. We found no evidence of systemic problems in detainee medical care. We also found that although initial policies for detainee medical support were inadequate, medical care received by detainees was good. Initial training was limited, and generation of detainee medical records was inconsistent.

Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.