California Marriage Amendment proposal [CA AG] News
California Marriage Amendment proposal [CA AG]

Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative, submitted to the California Attorney General's office for title and summary on May 19, 2005, released by the California Attorney General to the public on July 25, 2005. Excerpt:

The People of California have a compelling responsibility to protect the essence of marriage by ensuring that the civil institution of marriage between one man and one woman is not abolished or diminished. The People find that marriage between one man and one woman is diminished when government bestows statutory rights or incidents of marriage on unmarried persons or when government requires private entities to offer or provide rights or incidents of marriage to unmarried persons. The People further find and declare it is in a child's best interest to have a mother and a father, and that marriage rights for one man and one woman should be protected for the well-being of children, families and society.

Read the full text of the Initiative here. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.