[JURIST] After US courts approved military trials [JURIST report] for terrorism suspects, Australian Attorney-General Philip Ruddock [official website] said his government now wished for a speedy trial for David Hicks [Wikipedia profile, advocacy website], an Australian who was captured in Afghanistan fighting for the Taliban and is now being held at Guantanamo. Ruddock had earlier called in March for the US to move the process along [JURIST report]. While the AG's questions about the appropriateness of military commission trial were satisfied by the appellate ruling, the Law Council of Australia [official website] is still not satisfied [press release] and says the process is unfair. They want Hicks to either receive a trial in the US civilian court system, or be returned to face charges in Australia. Lawyers for Hicks [JURIST news archive] say the charges against him have no basis in international law [JURIST report]. AAP has more.