[JURIST] Rwandan officials announced Friday they will not pursue criminal charges against fugitive Hutu rebels that were aged 14 or younger at the time of Rwanda's 1994 genocide [BBC backgrounder]. Children as young as 10 years old took part in the slaughter of about 800,000 Tutsis [Wikipedia overview] and moderate Hutus [Wikipedia overview]. About 10,000 Rwandan Hutu rebels of all ages are currently hiding in the wilderness of the Democratic Republic of Congo, but the rebel Democratic Forces for Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) [backgrounder] have recently said their members wish to return home to re-enter the political process. Rwandan officials vow that these fighters will have to face the law when they return. UN officials estimate between 70 and 80% of the current Hutu rebels were under 15 when they fled Rwanda. Reuters has more.