Hearing on Detainees, US Senate Judiciary Committee, June 15, 2005 [reviewing military commissions, detainee status reviews, treatment of detainees, judicial review]. Excerpt from the testimony of Professor Stephen Schulhofer, New York University School of Law:
For half a century, the United States has exported democracy and human rights to the whole world, but Guantánamo has tarnished America's name and poisoned our reputation. We don't yet know all the missteps or how they occurred, but for now that doesn't matter. We have a "tylenol" problem. What we stand for has been contaminated. Whatever the cause, we have to let the world know that we are committed to restoring the integrity of our most important product and that we are taking immediate steps to make it tamper-proof from now on. We can begin to limit the damage, but only if we act forthrightly and quickly.
Read the full text of witnesses' prepared testimony. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.