[JURIST] Michael Schiavo buried the cremated remains of his late wife Terri Schiavo [JURIST news archive] Monday at Sylvan Abbey Memorial Park [funerary website] in Clearwater, Florida. He had previously said he would bury her remains in his family plot in Pennsylvania [JURIST report]. Schiavo's parents were not notified of the interment. Michael inscribed the words "I Kept my Promise" at the bottom of his wife's gravemarker, listed the date of her 1990 collapse as the date his wife "Departed this Earth," and the date that she actually died as the date she was "at peace." Terri Schiavo's death [JURIST rpeort] on March 31 this year ended an intense legal and political struggle between right-to-life and right-to-die advocates over the status and interpretation of her wishes concerning her care while in an apparent persistent vegetative state. AP has more.