Report on Russian link to UN oil-for-food scam [US Senate Investigations Subcom.] News
Report on Russian link to UN oil-for-food scam [US Senate Investigations Subcom.]

Report on oil allocations granted to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Comittee, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, May 16, 2005 [reporting that Saddam Hussein's government provided Russian officials with millions of dollars in oil rights under the oil-for-food program in a bid to lift UN sanctions against Iraq]. Excerpt:

This Report presents the evidence gathered by the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (the "Subcommittee") establishing that Russian official Vladimir Zhirinovsky was granted lucrative allocations of oil from the Hussein regime under the U.N. Oil for Food Program. In addition, this Report reveals how Zhirinovsky assigned those allocations to Bayoil, an American oil trader, for commissions of hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of dollars. More importantly, the Subcommittee's evidence demonstrates that, in giving money to Zhirinovsky, Bayoil knew that it was paying a Russian official on behalf of the Hussein regime — in short, the Subcommittee's evidence establishes that Bayoil knowingly acted as a conduit between Saddam Hussein and Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Finally, this Report details how Zhirinovsky, Bayoil and certain Russian entities paid millions of dollars in illegal, under-the-table surcharges to the Hussein regime in connection with these oil transactions.

Read the full text of the report here [PDF]. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.