[JURIST] In an attempt to break a ten-year deadlock over reforming the United Nations Security Council [official website], Italy suggested Monday that a new system be instituted by which the council would award 10 new seats to regional groups rather than individual countries. The novel idea arose as Jean Ping [UN profile], president of the UN General Assembly [official website], noted that reform must be instituted or the Security Council faces a steep drop in public opinion. Under Italy's plan, dubbed "Model B," a new tier of semi-permanent regional seats would be created: three for Asia, three for Africa, two for Latin American and Caribbean States, and one each for Eastern and Western Europe. While Italian ambassador to the UN Marcello Spatafora stated that Model B would provide a "fresh, equitable approach," he also remarked that any plan would still traditionally keep the initial 15 seats: 10 for two-term elected countries and five permanent veto-entilted seats for Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States. Currently, the only other proposal being taken seriously is "Model A," which simply proposes six new permanent seats to be filled by countries such as Japan, Germany, Brazil, and India. Read Ambassador Spatafora's full statement. AP has more.