Ruling on US gun ownership by persons with foreign criminal convictions [US SC] News
Ruling on US gun ownership by persons with foreign criminal convictions [US SC]

Small v. US, Supreme Court of the United States, April 26, 2005 [ruling that persons convicted of a crime in a foreign country may own a gun in the US]. Excerpt from the opinion by Justice Breyer:

…foreign convictions differ from domestic convictions in important ways. Past foreign convictions for crimes punishable by more than one year's imprisonment may include a conviction for conduct that domestic laws would permit, for example, for engaging in economic conduct that our society might encourage. See, e.g., Art. 153 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, in Soviet Criminal Law and Procedure 171 (H. Berman & J. Spindler transls. 2d ed. 1972) (criminalizing "Private Entrepreneurial Activity"); Art. 153, id., at 172 (criminalizing "Speculation," which is defined as "the buying up and reselling of goods or any other articles for the purpose of making a profit"); cf. e.g., Gaceta Oficial de la Republica de Cuba, ch. II, Art. 103, p. 68 (Dec. 30, 1987) (forbidding propaganda that incites against the social order, international solidarity, or the Communist State). They would include a conviction from a legal system that is inconsistent with an American understanding of fairness.

Read the opinion [PDF]. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.