The hopes of Mexico City Mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador for a presidential run in the 2006 national election remained uncertain Friday after a strange turn of events Thursday that saw current Mexican president Vicente Fox...
In Friday's environmental law news, a number of environmental groups have filed a complaint in federal court in San Francisco that alleges 14 government agencies have violated the US Energy Policy Act , which requires...
Human Rights Watch said in a new report Friday that governments in both North America and Europe have negligently relied upon promises of humane treatment in order to transfer terror suspects to states with well-established records...
Florida circuit judge George Greer ordered the Florida Department of Children and Families on Thursday to release the records of its investigation into allegations that Terri Schiavo was abused prior to her...
Twelve detainees were injured Thursday night when a fight broke out at the US Camp Bucca prison camp in southern Iraq triggered by the murder of an inmate. The US military confirmed the fight...
Prosecutors have dropped objections to the release of four high ranking Serbian officials ahead of their trial for war crimes, allowing them to return to Belgrade as early as today. The four include Milan Milutinovic, a former Serbian president...
Two high-ranking but unidentified United Nations officials have been cited in the criminal complaint released Thursday against South Korean businessman Tongsun Park for his involvement in the Iraq oil-for-food scandal . Park is accused of accepting...
Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Friday, April 15.The US Senate convenes at 9:30 AM ET today, when it will consider H.R. 1268 , the Iraq/Afghanistan Supplemental...
Nutraceutical Corp. v. Crawford, United States District Court for the District of Utah Central Division, Judge Campbell, April 13, 2005 ban on the weight-loss supplement ephedra, which was pulled off the market...
Li v. Oregon, et al., Supreme Court of the State of Oregon, Justice Gillette, April 15, 2005 . Excerpt:e conclude as follows. First, since the effective date of Measure 36,...