Legal agenda and live webcasts ~ Tuesday, April 5 News
Legal agenda and live webcasts ~ Tuesday, April 5

[JURIST] Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Tuesday, April 5.

The US Senate [official website] convenes at 9:45 AM ET today. Watch a live webcast of the session. The Senate Judiciary Committee [official website] is holding an oversight hearing on the USA Patriot Act at 9:30 AM ET. Watch a live webcast of the hearing.

The US House [official website] resumes session at 2 PM ET today. Watch a live webcast of proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee [official website] Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security Subcommittee is holding a 2 PM ET hearing on H.R. 1279 [bill summary], the Gang Deterrence and Community Protection Act. Watch a live webcast of the hearing.

Kansas will vote [AP report] on a constitutional amendment [text, PDF] banning gay marriage during statewide city and school elections today.

At the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the trial of Naser Oric [ICTY case backgrounder] continues today at 9:30 AM local time [3:30 AM ET]. Also today, the trial of Fatmir Limaj and others [ICTY case backgrounder] continues today at 2:45 PM local time [8:45 AM ET]. Watch a webcast of proceedings.